The créche at Daisychain caters for children aged 1-5yrs. Each room is specifically designed to meet the needs, emotional,social and physical of the developing child. Our daily programme provides a balance of play and education and we endevour to mirror the everyday activity a child would experience in the home.
At Daisychain we work on the policy that each child is an individual and therefore among other things their sleeping pattern is also individual. We have a fully monitored all-day sleep-room to cater for the needs of each child who needs to rest during their busy day at Daisychain.
All children attending Daisychain on a full-time basis can avail of our delicious healthy homemade meals and snacks. Our menu is based on nutritious child friendly food which is freshly prepared each day. We use the finest ingredients to ensure a balanced diet for our children.
Sample Menu:
Monday:Mediterranaen chicken pasta (brocolli, onion & red pepper) Dessert: Fruit yogurt
Tuesday: Minced beef stew (potato, carrot & onion) Dessert: Fresh fruit.
Wednesday: Turkey curry (Onion, peppers & garlic) Dessert: Custard.
Thursday: Spagetti Bolognaise (Tomato, red pepper, onion, mushroom, carrot & garlic) Dessert: Fruit Yogurt.
Friday: Chicken Casserole (Potato, onion & carrot) Dessert: Fresh fruit and ice-cream.
Our Rainbow Room is Steiner Inspired Class and caters for children aged 1year 5mts-3yrs. It can facilitate up to 10 children and offers full-time, part-time, and sessional places.
Out toddler room provides rich learning environment which promotes and enhances children’s continuing development. Our staff encourage toddlers to become more independent in their day to day routine such as feeding, toileting, dressing and making everyday choices of their daily activities.
All children in Rainbow room are exposed to a wide range of open-ended materials developing their imagination, creativity, independence communication skills. Our experienced staff will encourage your toddler's curiosity as well as promoting their social, emotional, and physical development.
Parent involvement helps extend teaching outside the classroom, creates a more positive experience for children and helps children perform better when they are in school. A daily report is kept with details of daily activities child took part, meals, naps and nappy changes or toilet activity so you can keep in touch with your child's routine.
Our baby room provides care for children from 1-2 years. It is homely, welcoming and stimulating. This room reflects the varying needs of this age group. In the baby room, the staff ratio is one staff member to five children.
At this age, interactions and communication are important to support your baby’s development. Creative and sensory play in a stimulating environment is especially important and contributes to your baby’s early learning experiences. Babies grow and develop rapidly during their first year, and as they become more mobile, physical play is also encouraged. Our staff arrange activities where our youngest children learn through their senses.
Heuristic play provides children with the opportunity to explore a range of materials. We use natural materials to encourage and promote exploration, imagination, and development.
We encourage messy play, imaginative construction, and small world play. We sing and tell stories to encourage children to develop into confident learners.
Children are eager to develop independence; our environment enables them to achieve this. Our indoor and outdoor environments are safe and secure. We have age-appropriate resources that aid curiosity, coordination, and physical abilities.
Regular healthy snacks and drinks are provided for the babies during the morning and afternoon sessions, as well as individual children having their bottles as per their home routine.
We operate a ‘key person system’ in this room. Your child’s key person will establish a relationship with you and will be your first point of contact. The key worker will develop a communication link between you and Daisychain.
We complete a written record of your child’s time at Daisychain and hand it over to you at the end of each day. It provides you with all the information you need regarding your child’s daily progress, activities, meal intake, naps, nappy changes etc.